Pedra Mendalza
It seems that in ancient times the fairies who established their home in Pedra Mendalza, emergency basalt that rises on a vast expanse of limestone.
Due to erosion the rock surface has a very multi-faceted, but the wall to the north-east, which seems smoother. From here we depart "on camminu 'sas fadas and" the way of the fairies, a long strip of basalt in the middle of the scale, almost certainly produced by the same magma that leaching has filled the cracks in the surrounding rock.
In antiquity the area had to be considered sacred because of its conformation, because under the rock of Pedra Mendalza, at a point south of the petroglyphs were considered as impressions of the foot and knee of the Madonna. Unfortunately, now that place was covered with a coat of asphalt. The fingerprints were prepared as if the foot had been placed first and the knee soon after.
The overlap of Christian legends and the presence of two churches in the vicinity suggest that the fortress was a very popular place of pagan worship, which has remained the memory through the legends about fairies. This place was considered their home and in the back erosion has created something that suggests an entrance through which you came to visit to "pedire Fogu up", to ask the fire in the surrounding villages.
To make the fire was a sacred thing, because through it could acquire shamanic powers of nature. This connection with fire is present in many legends, and even if you do not know the reason, his refusal caused the terrible curses. Since you did not miss anything, even more often are described with rich clothes, full of jewelry and are presented as givers of gifts, one wonders why they need a lot of fire. If you
sardines were nothing more than ancient priestesses can understand why the fire was so necessary for them. The legends show signs of initiation in which the evidence was crucial in the domain of fire.
Probably this rite was to be the two solstices, corresponding to the period of cleansing fire that once were lit before the houses. Those nights were best suited to consecrate the future shamans, men and women, if they could walk on hot coals.
The name of the emergency is probably related to this rite, meaning to purify, cleanse you from all evil. Mende in Sardinian logudorese means to repair, fix, so Pedra Mendalza the stone had to be repaired, which took away all defects.
For this reason, perhaps, the fairies asking each family to help with firewood and fire needed to heat the ritual walk. The most suitable place to perform the ritual was the strip of basalt called camminu de sas fadas, probably due to the fact that the priestesses walked there first, paving the way for initiates.
To warm up for a sudden de sas de camminu fadas should have been spreading branches and dead wood along the route, which would have resulted in the burning embers.
The ritual of cleansing fire was also known in the Mycenaean world, Demeter in fact the small Triptolemus quenching the fire, with the intent to make him immortal.
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