Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci was born in Ales (near Oristano), Sardinia, January 22, 1891, the fourth of seven sons of Francesco Gramsci and Josephine Marcias. In 1894 the family moved to arise (Nuoro): For two years he was sent, together with the sisters in an asylum run by nuns. At this time, after dropping back the disease that will leave a physical deformity: go back slowly curving and medical care will try in vain to stop the its deformation.
In 1897 his father was suspended from the use of log Ghilarza Office and arrested on administrative irregularities.
In 1902 he graduated from the elementary to Ghilarza. He studied privately and then while working to help the family, at the office of register Ghilarza.
In 1905 he enrolled at the high school gymnasium-Santulussurgiu, a town 15 km from Ghilarza. Start reading the socialist press that his brother Gennaro's e-mail from Turin.
In 1908 graduated from the gymnasium and enrolled in high school Dettori di Cagliari, where he lives with his brother Gennaro, secretary of the local branch of socialism. With many young high school Dettori, Gramsci participates the "battle" for the assertion of free thought and discussion of cultural and political. He lives in a very poor board in Via Principe Amedeo, then moved to another of the Corso Vittorio Emanuele. A school stands out among peers for its live cultural interests, reads a lot (especially the Cross and Salvemini). Spiccatissime reveals trends in the exact sciences and mathematics. Cagliari, at that time, it is a culturally vibrant city, where the first spread social unrest, which affect its formation of a socialist ideology. Baccalaureate in 1911 he won a scholarship and enrolled at the University of Torino, Faculty of Humanities. He moved to Turin. Gramsci he spends his college years in an industrialized Turin, where Fiat already developed industries and the Lance, which eliminated smaller competitors. The strong industrial development gave a new aspect to the city, which houses around 1909 some 60,000 immigrants who work in factories. Given the high concentration of workers and the role of advanced industry in Turin, the union is in the city, an active and dynamic, supported by a broad grassroots mobilization. There are efforts to combat the factories that lead to the establishment of the first internal committees and the election of shop stewards, to sit with during the disputes at the negotiating table con i rappresentanti padronali. È in questo periodo di forti agitazioni sociali che lo studente Gramsci vive i suoi anni universitari e matura la sua ideologia socialista. Studia i processi produttivi, la tecnologia e l'organizzazione interna delle fabbriche e si impegna per far acquisire agli operai "la coscienza e l'orgoglio di produttori". A Torino frequenta anche gli ambienti degli immigrati sardi; l'interesse per la sua terra sarà sempre vivo in lui, sia nelle riflessioni di carattere generale sul problema meridionale, sulle sue abitudini, sul linguaggio, sui luoghi e sulle persone dell'infanzia; temi ricorrenti anche negli anni della maturità.
Gli avvenimenti. L'Italia è ancora nettamente divisa tra un Nord in cui è This and a related industrial development in the South is characterized by large scale farming estates. The level of power in the state and society is thus established by an alliance between industrial and agrarian, based on protectionist policy, which excludes any participation in power by the masses. But the crisis of the century, with the movements of bundles in Sicily (1894) and the proletarian insurrection in Milan (1898), forcing the Italian bourgeoisie to come to terms with the labor movement. Since the beginning of the century, Giolitti, declaring the neutrality of the state in labor disputes, opens a new political course based on a social agreement with the socialist movement for reform. To oppose this agreement the revolutionary wing of the Socialist Party and the syndicalist movement.
In bad economic conditions and health, following Gramsci university courses and supports some tests. It also has the first contacts with the socialist movement in Turin .-
Events. At the Socialist Congress in Reggio Emilia the reformists lost the party leadership. Mussolini became the director of Avanti!.
adheres to a public appeal against the protectionist policy. Perhaps this year he enrolled at the Turin socialist section.
Events. With the pact Gentiloni, Catholics participate in the electoral race in support of Giolitti.
suffer from periodic nervous breakdowns. It supports the people's cry positions of active neutrality and acting contrary to the prevailing policy of absolute neutrality in the social field.
Events. Crisis of the Socialist International and the European labor movement who can not give priority to a policy of peace. Outbreak of the First World War.
The collaboration with the cry of the people and, in December, joined the editorial staff of Turin Avanti!, Organ of the Italian Socialist Party. His journalistic work demands attention not only for the general quality of writing, but also for the importance of research culture.
Events. Italy enters war on the side of the cartel. Lenin lance Zimmerwald the password to "transform the imperialist war into civil war."
Gramsci edited the book "Under the mole" Avanti! where he worked on theatrical criticism and hints of costume.
Events. In socialist antiwar movement (Conference Kientbal) make their way to the radical positions of Lenin.
After the uprising of workers in August, Gramsci became secretary of the provisional executive committee of the Turin socialist section. Effectively conduct the people's cry.
In February of 1917 on behalf of the Federation socialist youth leaves the future city of Piedmont, whose basic theme is the contrast between the bourgeois order of society and that of the socialist society in the original articles of theory and socialist propaganda is flanked by the writings of Croce, and A. Salvemini Carlini. In this period the influence of the Cross and the controversy antipositivistica of Italian idealism also appears in the enthusiastic assessment of the Russian Revolution of November 1917, interpreted as a "revolution against Capital" (ie against the deterministic version of Marx).
Events. In August break in Italy movements of protest against high prices and the war. The February Revolution in Russia leads the abdication Tsar Nicholas II, the Provisional Government was overthrown by the Bolshevik revolution in November.
ceased publication in 1918 of the Cry of the People (October) and created the Piedmontese edition of Avanti! (December), directed by Ottavio Pastore, Gramsci in the drafting of which comes from the beginning.
Events. End the war. Revolutionary movements in various countries of Europe. The counter-revolution in Russia is becoming militarized: civil war broke out.
Gramsci and others (including pocket, Terracini, Togliatti) give rise to the weekly L'Ordine Nuovo (May), who stood up for membership to the Communist and Socialist Party in favor of the motion of works councils. In his articles Gramsci argues that the works council shall be elected by all workers regardless of their political, so that the workers must take over the leading role that it filled them as "producers". This experience was placed in a revolutionary perspective, to the left of the socialist movement of the time, but in harmony with other enzymes of the Italian culture of the period as those who were headed to neo-liberalism by Piero Gobetti, who judged it a positive work group.
Events. The new law allows for universal suffrage to the PSI and the Popular Party to elect 100 deputies and 156 respectively, dramatically changing the structure of political power. At the Paris Peace Conference opens. Was founded in Moscow the Third International (Comintern). The Socialist Congress in Bologna acting adherence to the new Communist International.
industrial workers' strike in Turin in March-April (strike of the hands) for approval of works councils open a lively debate between the leadership and the socialist group New Order, whose political positions receive the approval of Lenin. Gramsci is close to the village of abstentionist Psi, led by Bordiga, which envisages the construction of the Communist Party .-
Events. Giolitti back to form a government. In September, the clash Social door occupation of the factories. The defeat marks the beginning of the ebb of the proletarian movement. In Russia, the Bolsheviks finally outperforming the counter-revolutionary armies.
Gramsci became convinced that we must create a new party, according to the guidelines already set by the Communist split. On January 25, 1921 in Livorno opens the 17th national congress of the Socialist Party, the differences between the groups: Ceilings, etc. reformists., Induce Gramsci and the minority of communists to separate permanently from the PSI. On 21 January of that year, in the historic meeting in San Marco, founded the Communist Party of Italy, Gramsci is a member of the Central Committee. As organ of the new party headed Gramsci, again in Turin, L'Ordine Nuovo, became daily (which also worked as a theater critic Gobetti). However in the early years of the new party its activity was influenced by the direction of Bordiga, who had organized a fraction of the national first division had acquired a prominent position, also influenced much of the same group Ordine Nuovo in Turin ..-
events. January 15, 1921: opens in Livorno the XVII Congress of the PSI. On 21 January, following a split in the minority Socialist Party, founded the Communist Party of Italy (ICP), the Italian section of the Third Communist International. After the great fear of employment in the factories, the industrial look with favor the fascist movement. Lenin launched the New Economic Policy .-
In 1922 the second congress of the Communist Party of Italy (Rome, Mar) Gramsci maintains the positions of the majority bordighiana, in disagreement with the policy of "united front" with the PSI proposed by the International . In May, left for Moscow, the executive director of the International and Italian party joins the conference in June expanded the executive. The stay in Russia will be important both for his political than for his private life, in fact, Gramsci falls in love with a young Russian violinist, Julia Schucht who would become his wife and with whom he had two children: Julia and Delio. In Russia Gramsci deepens his knowledge of Leninism and observe the developments of the dictatorship of the proletariat, this allows to measure different problems of the Italian Communists, placing them in a broader vision. -
Events. Multiply the squad violence and assaults to workers and anti-fascist newspapers. Further splitting Socialist Congress in Rome (October) expels the reformists. In October, the march on Rome and Mussolini's formation of the government, which gives full powers in November 1923 .-
The enlarged Executive of the International (June) discusses the situation of Italian authorities and establishes the formation of an executive board of ICP more responsive to their policy. Gramsci, in disagreement with the positions of Bordiga and those in favor of the International (which supports the slogan of "workers 'and peasants' government"), you load the turn (letter to the foundation in September Unit). In November, he was sent to Vienna to keep the connections between the Italian party and other Communist parties in Europe. Start with a dense correspondence, to rebuild the leadership of the ICP around what had been the drafting of the new order .-
Events. In February arrest of Bordiga and the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Italy, which reorganizes semi-clandestine. Bordiga, in prison, is opposed to the positions of the International with respect to relations with the PSI. The Italian parliament approves electoral law made by the majority Acerbo fascist. In Bulgaria's government is overthrown Stamboliyski, leader of the Peasant Party.
On April 6, 1924, after a campaign marked by violence and intimidation fascist election year and Gramsci was elected deputy of the district of the Veneto, and then returned to Italy after two years of absence and moved to Rome. Comes out in February in Milan, on the advice of Gramsci, the newspaper Unity. Work continues to rebuild the leadership of the party. Gramsci joined the executive committee of the party and was elected secretary general. Join the parliamentary opposition that is formed following the murder of Matteotti and proposes an appeal for a general strike. In August, his son was born in Moscow Delio. Set with Di Vittorio Grieco and the Party's policy towards the South. In October, proposes that the opposition will stand in Antiparlamento Aventine and in November the Communist parliamentary group within the classroom.
Events. The parliamentary elections in May, marked by violence and intimidation, allocate 65 percent of the vote to the fascists. In June he was assassinated reformist deputy Giacomo Matteotti, who had denounced the fraud, it follows a wide wave of protests. In August, the socialist group which is headed by Serrati (the "backs") joined the Communist Party of Italy. On the death of Lenin in the Soviet Union the power is assumed by a collective leadership made up of Stalin, Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev.
Between March and April in Moscow taking part in the work of the International Executive widened. In June, opens the debate with his left hand inside the party, led by Bordiga. He began working organization of the third congress of the Communist Party of Italy .--
Events. After the Matteotti crisis, Mussolini firmly back at the helm of government. Council is abolished and suppressed freedom of association.
In January 1926 takes place in Lyon on the third congress of the ICP: the political theory, put forth by Gramsci and Togliatti, are approved by a majority of more than 90 percent. The line of Gramsci, who gathered around him a new management team "centrist," third congress of the Communist Party prevailed in Italy, a few months later, however, his relations with the Communist International suffered a first crack, with its initiative to write a letter alarmed the Bolshevik Party Central Committee to the internal divisions in the party. While the opposition and rejected the letters also contained provisions on the methods of the majority (Stalin-Bukharin), and for this reason Togliatti, then representative of the Italian Communists in Moscow, saw fit not submit it officially. A lively debate ensued between Gramsci and Togliatti staff, relevant particularly the insistence by the first on the need to "call to political consciousness of the Russian comrades, and to draw strongly, the dangers and weaknesses to determine their attitudes were." Giuliano was born in August, the second son of Gramsci. On November 8, following the exceptional laws against the opponents of the fascist regime, Gramsci was arrested, with most of the communist leadership, despite his parliamentary immunity, he is detained at Regina Coeli. At the trial, held in Rome in May-June 1928, was sentenced to twenty years imprisonment. On November 18, Gramsci is assigned to confinement for five years in Ustica, where he arrives after stops in San Vittore prison in Milan and those of Naples and Palermo. A Ustica lives in a private house with other political prisoners with which organizes cultural courses vary according to the state of preparedness of the participants, in order to educate the working class, for which it is a duty, he says, do not be ignorant if they want be leaders and policy makers of a new society. To expiate the pain, then Gramsci is intended to house criminal Turi (Bari): he remained until December 1933.
Events. In Italy are dissolved opposition parties, are set up the confinement of the police and the Special Court. The Chamber of Deputies forfeit the Aventine. In Stalin's Soviet Union is able to isolate Trotsky and Zinoviev .-
Moved from February 1927 in San Vittore prison in Milan, pending trial, began planning a comprehensive study on Italian intellectuals. The process begins May 28 and June 4 will be given a sentence of twenty four months and five days in jail. Since suffering from chronic migraine is intended to Turi Prison and put in a room with five other political prisoners.
Events. With the Labour Fascism sets out the principles of the Corporate State. The X Congress of the Communist Party expels Trotsky, Zinovia 'ev and Kamenev, began the policy of industrialization forced. -
the end of May, in Rome, Gramsci is processed. The June 4 ruling is issued: As mentioned above, is twenty years, four months and five days in jail. Gramsci in July reaches the Turi prison.
Events. The Great Council of Fascism becomes arm of the state. The VII Congress of the spear the watchword of intensifying the fight against social democracy .-
In February 1929, the prison in Turi, Gramsci, obtained permission to write in his cell, he began drafting Notebooks prison will be 21 in 1933, when Turi leave to Civitavecchia and a total of 33 in 1937.
Events. Lateran Treaty between Italy and the Vatican. Bukharin in the Soviet Union is opposed to the policy of forced collectivization and is quickly marginalized by Stalin. The plenum of the International X sets out the theory of social-fascism. Stock market crash in New York began the Great Depression.
emerging differences with other commonly held about the policy after the fall of Fascism, Gramsci argues for a democratic phase and offers the slogan of a Constituent Assembly.
Events. The Great Depression hit Italy too. The ICP, on the basis of the International believes that the regime in crisis, that it covers dozens of paintings in Italy. -
In 1931 Gramsci is suffering from a serious illness, so his brother Charles gets to be put in a separate cell, where Gramsci attempts to organize a "normal" life, made for study, reflection and theoretical development of his political and social thought, affections and memories, trying to stay in contact with his family and with reality. Worse health conditions: in August Gramsci sudden bleeding.
Events. It is rapidly broken up by police the clandestine network of the ICP. Republican election victory in Spain. -
has not resulted in the project of an exchange of political prisoners, which would include Gramsci also between Italy and the Soviet Union.
Events. Condoned Germany the war debt. Salazar takes the lead in the Portuguese Government. Roosevelt promotes the U.S. economy Regulation .-
In March 1933, the second major crisis of the health of Gramsci. In November, the prison is transferred to the infirmary of Civitavecchia and from there in December, the clinic of Dr. Cusumano in Formia.
Events. In Italy is created by IRI. The Nazis take power in Germany. In the Soviet Union launched the second five-year plan is .-
resumed the campaign for the release of Gramsci. In October accede to the request for conditional release.
Events. Pact of unity of action between the PCI and Psi. In Germany, Hitler took the post of head of state. Zinoviev and Kamenev in the Soviet Union are on trial for treason began the great purges.
In June 1935 a new crisis and worsening health conditions of Gramsci. In August we moved to the clinic "Quisisana in Rome.
Events. Italy invades Ethiopia. Anti-Jewish laws in Germany. The International adopted the tactic of the Popular Fronts. -
The state of physical exhaustion prevents Gramsci's work on notebooks.
Events. After the conquest of Ethiopia, Italy proclaimed the empire. The left won the elections in France and Spain, here the forces respond with a reactionary ruling military is civil war.
When the period of probation, Gramsci regain full freedom, but is now dying at the clinic. He died of a cerebral hemorrhage on April 27. The following day the funeral will take place. His ashes are buried in the Verano cemetery in Rome and transferred, after the Liberation, the English Cemetery .- His life in prison was also embittered by difficult relations with the party who had settled directly before the crash. In disagreement with the policy adopted in late 1929 under pressure from the Comintern, then at war with not only fascism but also with social democracy (defined as "Social") was found, as has been said, in direct conflict with most other communist prisoners in Turi, which prompted him to do his isolation, the unique shape of your life. This explains why the situation has not been questioned in the then governing bodies operating in exile, with whom his relations were always indirect (the mediation of his friend who worked in Cambridge economist Sraffa). However after 1934, with the abandonment of propaganda on the "Social" and the prevalence of anti-fascist policy of unity, the campaigns were intensified international press to ask for his release.
Events. Crisis in the popular-front government in France. They internationalize the English Civil War. Italy joined the anti-Comintern pact with Germany and Japan. In the former Soviet Union were accused of treason and shot, and Radek Tukacevskij.
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